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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Two Questions About The Jeep Wrangler Soft Top

       For those that are not accustomed to the Jeep Wrangler, it is easy to have a lot questions about it for those that are interested in purchasing their first one. Are they cold in winter, are they noisy, uncomfortable, hot in the summer, and is it really for me? Today I would like to cover two of those questions in today's blog, and hopefully give some insight.


            Is the Wrangler really cold in the winter, and hot in the summer? I can say surely over the last ten years of owning three Wranglers, it will blow your mind. In the winter time, even with a soft top on my Jeep, the heaters that are installed in Jeeps now days are very very hot, and I find myself a lot times, adjusting the temperature control and even rolling a window down a little to let in some cold air to cool the cab of the Jeep off. If one of your questions was about concern for staying warm inside a Jeep Wrangler, believe me, the heaters inside Jeep Wranglers now days are amazingly hot, and sometimes might even melt the rubber of your shoes.


            Lastly, does the Wrangler have a lot of road noise inside the cab? I wish I could provide you with some numbers of the actual noise but I can not. I can how ever give you a user experienced review. My first Jeep Wrangler was a 1993 model, and I had to purchase a new top for this Jeep. I bought a cheap soft top to replace the worn one that was on it. It was a older style canvas material, and let me just say, you couldn't have a conversation with a passenger due to the material flopping as you went down the road. I later purchased another top that was made from a material called sail cloth, and let just say, it was a worlds better difference. I could actually have a conversation now with passengers, and to, I feel like the sail cloth material done a better job of keeping outside noise out as will.


            Starting about 2003, Jeep started using sail cloth material on the Jeep Wrangler soft top models, and I've since read where they are using an even heavier style material on the newest Wranglers being sold new today. The heavier material I believe helps to keep the heat inside during the winter, and helps the a/c cool the cab of the Jeep in the summer time.

            I hope I could give some insight about two questions about comfort from inside the Jeep Wrangler. I think that if you decide to purchase a soft top model Wrangler, you will be pleasantly surprised and will be pleased. Thank you for reading this Tectip Channel blog, I hope to see you back here next time folks, thanks for reading.

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