Moving Out For The First Time
It's finally came time, you've just graduated from high school, mom and dad are driving you crazy, its time to move out. But where do you start, your barely making enough money to just drive your car around, or have money to have fun on. With my five tips, you can be successful at living on your own for the first time.
One, make it a habit to pay your rent on time. You have to have a place to sleep at night, a place to protect you from the elements. There will be times when you can not pay your rent on time, all your bills sometimes will need to be paid all at once it will seem. When this happens, be up front and honest with your land lord, explain to them that you are having trouble and assure them that you will pay them on a certain date, and when that time comes, pay them.
Three, have enough money to buy groceries. You have to eat, you have to have food to stay alive. I know how awesome it would be to have the latest and greatest video game, that awesome outfit but you have to put your priorities first.
Four, make sure you have enough money to cover your transportation needs. Your going to have to have a means of getting to work, to make the money, that pays the bills, that keeps everything going. Make sure that you have money to pay your car insurance, enough money for gas, and money to cover up keep on your car. If you won't rely on a car but public transportation, make sure that you save enough money to cover those expenses. Also, if you live close to your job, you can ride a bicycle.
And the fifth and last step to being successful at living on your own for the first time, is entertainment. Once you have covered the first four steps, and if you have enough money afterwards, you should pay your entertainment expenses. Entertainment expenses consist of, cable tv, internet, cell phone, land line phone, and any other means of things to entertain yourself. Entertainment makes life a lot more fun, and its fun to have these items but you can live without them.
Remember I said, there will be those times when the bills will seem to pile up on top of you, and you will only have so much money, you are then left with a decision, do you want to eat, or do you want to talk to your friends on your cool latest and greatest smart phone, my guess is that you will choose eat.
I believe with my five steps for living on your own, you can be a successful young adult and not have to move back in with your mom and dad. Good luck and I wish you success on your journey towards becoming an adult, thanks for reading, and ... I hope to see you back here next time, have a good day.